
Sandringham Life Activities Club

Membership Registration

If you wish to become a member or renew your existing membership, our Membership Registration form is available HERE
Printed forms are available from the Masonic Hall, 23 Abbott Street Sandringham.

All instructions necessary for completion are shown on the form.

As a guest, you may participate in club activities TWO times.
After becoming a financial member, you can participate in as many activities as you wish.

The membership fee for 2024/25 is $30. ($18 if you are a full financial member of another Life Activities Club)

If you are paying by cash or cheque, please enclose in the envelope provided with a properly completed Membership Registration form and deposit it into the secure mail slot located on the office door inside the foyer of the Masonic Hall.
If paying by bank transfer, a properly completed 
Membership Registration form must be submitted as mentioned above.

Alternatively, you can complete your membership form online and pay by a bank transfer to our account details shown on the form.
Forms completed online must be submitted by email, either by using the button at the bottom of the form or saved and emailed to
treasurer@lifesandringham.org.au or printed and submitted as mentioned above.

New Members:  Please be sure to include an Emergency Contact
Existing Members:  Please ensure your Emergency Contact information is up to date.

For any further information, please contact:
The Treasurer, PO Box 137, Sandringham Vic 3191,
phone:  9580 4401

